Success Stories
Whilst in discussion with an impartial careers advisor and the careers team at the school, a pupil in lower KS4 (year 10) expressed an interest in progressing into the military when leaving school.
Provision Provided:
Based on this disclosure, the careers team at the school organised for this pupil to visit MPCT (Military Preparation College for Training) to help foster his interests and to gather more information on how he can progress to that college along with the requirements and expectations for his KS4 exams.
Based on this visit and information gathered, the pupil became motivated to work towards the requirements to enter the college and progressed onto going to the college for his post 16 education.
Upon successful graduation from MPCT, with positive feedback from other parents on the impact this pupil had on others within the college, this pupil has now (June 2024) progressed onto the selection phase of the process whereby they will travel to RAF Lympstone to complete the physical and psychological training to become a Royal Marines Commando.
Testimony – Carer
“His progress is a true testament to the unwavering support that school provided over his tenure at Lamledge. I’ve always felt like a part of a team whenever we interacted, and for this reason, I can say it was an absolute pleasure working with your team.”